It’s Gonna Be A Week

Today was a restful day. After crying for many hours last night I seemed to have gotten some of the emotional build up out. I also had some nightmares. I am really looking forward to this upcoming weekend with my husband but first it will be a hectic week.

Tomorrow I am just cleaning the house but will also be calling and arranging my ECT appointment. I imagine this one will be a meet and greet and physical type one.

Tuesday I go for my breast exam and mammogram which I hope turns out to be nothing.

Wednesday there will be some furniture guys delivering a new dresser, no one will be here but me and I’m not really that comfortable with it but it is necessary.

Thursday I go to see my therapist and by that point I will most certainly need it. Plus I imagine mom and I will do lunch and some shopping!

Friday we finish the final bits of our contract and pay the rest of the money for the house to be started. Plus we head out of the hotel afterwards it will be nice!

I am looking forward to doing nothing but honestly I likely will go out and explore.

I just wish keeping busy kept my brain quiet, then it would be perfect.


  1. You know ETC saved me more than once, right? I loved my treatments after getting through the fear of the unknown of the first one. I hope you go ahead with it!!


  2. I, too, hope your week turns out well. Best of luck with the move, ECT, and your mammogram (wow, that’s a lot all in one week!). Enjoy your seeing your therapist Thursday and a nice lunch date with your mom.


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