Month: February 2017

The Depression Has Been Shitty Lately

I’m finding it hard to get motivated to get out of bed let alone blog.  I did have a couple of good days but I took advantage of them and hung with hubby. I find when I am actively spending time with him as opposed to just sitting side by side at our computers I feel better about the outlook on life.

Our Birthdays are both coming up and I really didn’t want to do anything for mine at least but now we are having to do a family gathering. sigh… I hate being reminded that I’m getting older… 48 this year, another 2 and I can have aarp lol.

Anyhow I wanted to apologize to people who actually read this blog.. Sorry I just suck balls lately.


Went Out Today

Today I walked round our block catching Pokemon and talking with my husband. I also went to Walmart and did grocery shopping. I haven’t felt like writing or really doing anything at all so there have been no real accomplishments except going on living.

Today I am just sitting back relaxing listening to tunes and smoking green.

The depression has been weighing on me quite a bit lately. I really think I need to set an alarm for blogging again. Ya I think I will, if I remember.. hehe.

I hope to be returning back to writing daily soon.

3 Years

So apparently I’ve had this blog for 3 years. I really need to start writing more again.

I have been pretty self involved lately and have been doing things I want to. The amazing thing is I want to do things. I mean the want to do anything is amazing.

I haven’t done anything exciting and I’m almost ready to start doing some painting, just waiting for an easel that I purchased. I’m going to be trying painting with Bob Ross so for Christmas hubby let me get a bunch of new brushes and paints, I’m very excited but also very nervous about it, not sure why I am nervous but I just am.

I went a couple of weeks I think without weed, it was interesting. I find I can do fine either way.

I’ve been spending a lot of time with hubby too. Woot, love spending time with that man.