
Sleep And Blogging

I finally got some good sleep last night. Apparently getting up in the middle of the night instead of just laying there for four hours or longer works. Or I was just too tired from not sleeping so many nights, who knows. I’ll do the same thing tonight if I can’t sleep and see what happens, though there is really not much to do at that time of night, I’m sure I can find something on crunchyroll or netflix to watch.

I’m still pissed that I posted so late yesterday, I suppose it’s going to take a while for it to become a habit. I think they said doing something for 21 days makes it a habit so we will see if that is true. I’m only a little over a week now.

Can’t stop yawning even though I slept well last night and had a nap this afternoon.

Right now I’m terrified of the flu. I rarely leave my house so hopefully that will keep me safe. I hate reading about it killing perfectly healthy people, because I’m overweight and likely have a shitty immune system from not being constantly exposed to things/people.

Anyhow that’s it for the day. Other than my mood which is just okay but still not depressed, so that is something.

I Made Myself Feel Bad

I wasn’t going to blog today and I was okay with that for a while. Than out of nowhere I felt guilty about not writing so here I am stoned off my ass writing my blog post for the night. I’m a little late but I haven’t gone to bed so I consider it the same day.

Anyhow my mood was OK today. I had some fun, did some painting. Watched some Netflix. I’m trying really hard not to feel hopeful about a possible upswing but that’s really hard to do.

Right now I’m just relaxing listening to music.



A Little Depressed

Today I woke up a little depressed. Saturday night I missed my Latuda by mistake and I think that has a lot to do with it.  It’s amazing how missing one pill can make you feel completely sad and unmotivated.

I don’t even want to do anything fun.

Hubby and I are watching Dare Devil on Netflix. We binged watched the first 12 episodes and will be watching the last one tonight. It’s pretty good from our point of view. We stayed up until almost 4 in the morning Saturday watching it. I think that might have a lot to do with it as well.

I didn’t wake up until noon today. I could just as easily crawl back into bed too. I thought 11:00am was really pushing it but noon is really gonna mess me up. I suppose I should listen to my shrink and start setting an alarm and getting up to try and enjoy the day.

We’ll see…